The Future of Finance

AI-powered custom solutions to change the way you do business. 

How AI Benefits Your Business

Transform your financial services through AI-powered solutions. Quantilus’ expertise enables finance-based startups, fintech companies, and service providers to confidently discover new opportunities and optimize existing offerings with custom technology in support of your business model.  

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Allocate your team’s time on more value-added activities and let AI automate the time-consuming, repetitive tasks. This not only saves time but also increases productivity and reduces human error.

Improved Risk Management Processes

Identify potential risks before they become headaches. AI models can quickly detect patterns and anomalies in large datasets, providing early warning signals and preventing potential losses.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Build stronger relationships with your clients and retain their business through personalized services, timely responses to customer inquiries, and more.

Greater Accuracy and Precision in Decision Making

Improve the quality of financial decisions and reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes. Machine learning and predictive analytics can identify trends and patterns that aid strategic decision-making.

Solutions for Real-World Business Problems 

Quantilus solutions are designed to simplify complex processes and improve operations. We specialize in model engineering –leveraging open-source Big Data & AI models and engineering them for your specific use case.  

Predictive Analytics

Gain a competitive edge and improve performance by better understanding and anticipating market trends, customer behavior, credit worthiness, and more. 

Data Capture Solutions

Quickly and accurately process large amounts of information, streamline processes, and capture insights with OCR, ICR, and other technologies.

Fraud Detection

Leverage AI-based analytics systems to quickly and accurately pinpoint deceptive behavioral patterns across varied and large datasets. 

Risk Analysis

From portfolio optimization, trading processes, credit assessments, and more, AI tools can provide more accurate and efficient ways of identifying and managing risk.

Personalized Services

Instead of a one-size-fits-all method, cultivate customer relations with intelligent chatbots, personalized products, and more to serve specific needs of customers. 

Identity Verification

Safeguard data and assets leveraging tools like facial recognition and automated algorithms for KYC process management to mitigate compliance risk and instill customer confidence.

Sentiment Analysis

Analyze the sentiment in user-generated content to identify mood and stress levels. User posts and communications can be analyzed for positive/negative, happy/sad, and a spectrum of sentiments to predict behavior.

Chatbot for Customer Self-Service

AI-Powered Learning Chatbots for Self-Service and answering queries offers real-time customer service. 

  • AI models can be trained with specific laws and opinions, e.g. tax laws.
  • Automated systems can respond to customer questions
  • AI can be used to recommend financial resources, such as videos, articles, and interactive activities.

Contact us to discuss how AI can be implemented in your organization.


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Partner with Quantilus

The adoption of AI-enabled technologies will dominate the next decade for the finance industry. Our team is poised to ensure your stay ahead and remain competitive with the right tools and resources.

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into Products

Whether you need a proof-of-concept, MVP, or market-ready release, Quantilus has the end-to-end expertise and resources to make your vision a reality.

Fast-Track Your
Tech Pace

Meet business demands and capitalize on market opportunities. With 200+ experts across multiple technologies, we’re nimble and able to ramp up and scale quickly.

Bridge Your
Tech Skill-Gaps

Our commitment to R&D allows us to accelerate development for clients because we’ve explored and built with emerging tech well before they become mainstream.

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How AI Empowers AR & VR for Business

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

12:00 PM ET •  9:00 AM PT