Companies need employees with technical, hard skills. However, there is another set of skills that are equally important. Soft skills. Soft skills at the workplace are defined by a person’s ability to communicate, adapt, critically analyze, and problem solve. This set of skills allows individuals to become dependable and valued employees, because they contribute to the growth of the company.
Developing these skills can strengthen workplace productivity and improve an individual’s employability. This article will delve into soft skills, why they are essential, and five of employers’ most valued soft skills.
What Are Soft Skills?
Soft skills are non-technical traits, attitudes, and behaviors that influence interpersonal interactions and collaboration with others. Soft skills require practice and observation to learn. Additionally, they are often influenced by a person’s inherent nature, as they rely on emotional intelligence rather than intellectual intelligence. Conversely, hard skills are usually learned through formal education and professional training. They are specific abilities and capabilities, such as UX design and HTML.
Why Are Soft Skills Important?
Learning and applying soft skills can improve efficiency, increase productivity, build fruitful relationships, and create better opportunities for success in the workplace. Soft skills are important traits for those looking to develop promising careers, as recruiters consistently seek candidates with a balance of soft and hard skills. Whether an individual is a passive or active job seeker, these skills can be cultivated and reflected in their resume to increase marketability while on the job hunt.
Soft skills at the workplace contribute towards building dependability and reliability of the employee, professional development, and respect from coworkers. For employers, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability are vital qualities for an employee in today’s fast-paced workplace. For individuals looking to gain a competitive edge, skills like motivation, and adaptability are beneficial.
5 Soft Skills Valued by Employers
There are numerous soft skills. However, for those on the job hunt or are looking to advance their career, which ones stand out to employers? Below, are five soft skills that employers value most.
1) Communication
One of the most indispensable soft skills, communication, entails both listening and speaking. Having effective communication skills is helpful in any industry and role. An employee’s communication skills help them to better understand customer needs, lead others, and effectively convey information. Furthermore, solid communication skills can also help professionals navigate and excel during crucial situations, such as quarterly earnings presentations, negotiating salaries, and client pitches.
2) Critical Thinking
Making informed decisions based on a critical analysis of all available facts and data helps build a successful company. Businesses desire critical thinking skills in employees to achieve calculated risks and create innovative solutions. Critical thinking also encompasses a healthy curiosity that ensures the employee is keen to learn the ropes of their responsibilities, advance their hard skills, and discover more opportunities for the company.
3) Teamwork
A company is an assortment of people that come together to shape and nurture it. Thus, teamwork is an essential skill that employers look for in prospective candidates. Teamwork not only means that employees work together but that they also value and respect each other’s opinions and contributions. This requires putting personal differences aside to produce the most effective outcomes. Collaboration and interpersonal skills are the hallmarks of teamwork. Participation within teams can also illuminate the type of leader an employee will be and whether they are fit for leadership positions.
4) Adaptability
Workplaces are dynamic and evolving entities. They come with changes in roles and responsibilities, which can sometimes be sudden. Moreover, the workplace can shift quickly with technological innovations, shifting social landscapes, global trends, and unexpected market turns. This can also require new training or shifts in company strategies to maintain a company’s competitive edge. Thus, an ideal employee can adapt to changing circumstances. This skill benefits the employee in making progress within the company, and allows companies to evolve as needed.
5) Motivation
Employers value motivation as it helps propel a company forward. Employers and managers do not have to worry about micromanaging employees, and can instead focus their efforts on getting their own tasks completed. Motivation entails being dedicated and attentive towards the responsibilities of the job, wanting to succeed, and producing high-quality work. It is beneficial for employees to be motivated because it communicates that they are excited to grow and achieve, which can help them advance their careers. Lastly, motivation contributes towards building a reliable and diligent employee base for a company.
In the professional sphere, there is a large emphasis on hard skills that sometimes people forget soft skills are just as vital. Having the knowledge to completing tasks is great, but without having interpersonal skills, appropriate behaviors, and solid work habits, it is challenging for an individual to be a well-rounded candidate and employee.
In the At eNamix, we specialize in finding well-rounded candidates that have the necessary hard and soft skills that will make them an invaluable asset to your company. If you’re looking for job candidates, we can help! Contact us today at info@enamix.com to set up a consultation with one of our senior account managers.